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Electrical Installations

At Maichosis Technical Company, we’re your go-to experts for comprehensive planning, design, implementation, and top-notch technical support for electrical installations, both residential and commercial, regardless of their scale. We understand that every electrical project, from its initial design and installation to ongoing maintenance and repairs, requires the specialized expertise of a certified team with a proven track record.
We provide a comprehensive range of services that covers the installation, maintenance, and optimization of both standard and specialized power supply systems. Additionally, we excel in handling heating applications, including the installation and operation of heat pump automation. Furthermore, we offer expertise in automation applications that enable remote control of various devices, equipment, and installations.

Maichosis Technical Company is proudly affiliated with the Electrical Contractors Association of Kavala, holding License No. K-22.

Our Suppliers

For top-quality electrical installations, we choose our equipment and materials from the leading suppliers and manufacturers known for their quality and specifications. Among our suppliers are companies such as:

Here to Serve You!

At our technical company, we’re dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of both individuals and professionals, offering comprehensive services encompassing the design, planning, implementation, and full technical support of electrical and technological installations required by every residence and business.

Installing the Future